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Part 1 here: a quick update.
So to get over the uneven surface of the tang, I decided to make some micarta liners between the wood and blade.
The wood is a mystery wood - I just don't know what it is, but it is a hardwood.
I've laminated some old denim jeans with resin, leaving the impression of the knife tang behind. It's good fun doing this because the knife just slots exactly back into place.
I know need to treat them as normal scales - drill holes for pins, shape the front before gluing, etc.
It looks pretty rough at the moment!
I have a bit of a batch of micarta to make at the moment. I need to find some red material for one wee knife then I also have a kukri handle to do - that one will need a lot of resin!
I recently saw a stacked birch bark handle being made in the traditional way. I'm tempted to make a stacked denim handle in a slightly traditional way but using modern materials.
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